Sunday, March 1, 2009

Is it any wonder I'm not in jail?

The more I think about it, the more relieved I am that I survived 8th grade with my eternal soul still intact and on the right side of the line, considering all the bands that we knew for certain to be devil worshippers, with hardcore evidence against them. For instance!

1. AC/DC. Name = Anti-Christ, Devil's Child. Duh.
2. Led Zeppelin. CODA meant something. I'll tell you if I remember what.
3. The Eagles. "There have been no spirits here since 1969," where "spirits" = Jesus, said Dawn Uglik. She gave us the lowdown on ALL this stuff. She had a sister.
4. Styx. Der.
5. Supertramp. I ... ask Dawn.

At some point I think my BF's sister tried to tell me that ELO were devil worshippers too. This I refused to believe because I already liked them so much, and really, followers of the horned one are not so much for singing about holding on tight to one's dreams (and especially! not in French).
Time was the first concept album I'd ever heard. And come on. The guys from the soundtrack to Xanadu? Like Olivia Newton-John would've stood for that.

Lucky for us all we found holy respite and distraction instead in the tight pants of Loverboy, Billy Squire, Foreigner, and Journey.

Lucky for us all.

Dawn loved Mike Reno.


Steam Me Up, Kid said...

That's Loverboy, right? So funny, so sad!

I recently re-fell in love with Billy Squier's My Kind of Lover. Such a good song!

Moonkee said...

Any man whose living depends on tight pants should be prepared to have to face the music down the road. Now I might have to download MKoL, Emotions in Motion and Stroke Me.

Elly said...

Wait, so I shouldn't be worshipping Steve Perry as my god and savior? Guess I'd better take down the altar, then.