Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I went away and didn't tell you

Because I didn't want you stealing my stuff.

So just some quick fill-you-ins while I simmer some real posts (we can all hope; Lords of Kobol, we can all hope).

  • I was laid off by Cornell 2 weeks ago today. This was 3 days before my trip to Florida with my Mom.
  • Fathom started straining to pee and even peed some blood 2 days before I left.
  • I went to Florida with my Mom. For 8 days. Saw most of my wonderful old Orlando friends.
  • I turned 40.
  • BSG's final episode aired.
I'm OK with the layoff, so far anyway. Easy enough to say while I'm still sitting at my desk and getting a paycheck (I can work through April 30 if I want. I get 3 weeks' severance after that, and health insurance for a year).

Now I can dance a little monkey dance back to Western NY.

This is the kind of magic and hootenanny you missed out on
by not being in the Magic Kingdom last Friday


Elly said...

Nannies were thoroughly hooted!

You gotta get your pictures up now; I can't wait to see them!

Elly said...

Just wanted to leave a comment to note that my word is "plate." The last one was "shooter." Next I predict ... "tacos."

Elly said...

Nope, it's "ularwa." Huh?

Elly said...

I want another strawberry basil lemonade.
