Anyhoo, while my minds sorts and sifts and waits and wades through some things of late, I am not in a posting frame of mind or heart these days, so in order to entertain the masses (i.e. Ealish and Hawkman), I've started a new blog for the purpose of posting a cheesy romance I started writing in 1996. I was working at Waldenbooks then and saw daily what utter crap was selling like hotcakes. (See "Throwing 'The Horse Whisperer' across the room upon completion, circa 1996.")

So I present to you the unfinished result. Please to find some form of enjoyment in it. If not today, revel in the promise of tomorrow! Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you ... Ninja Sex Pants.
(This is, as the monkeys of destiny would have it, the name of the new blog but *not* the name of the story. That remains Cheesy Bookstore Romance for now.)
Now please remember, this was written to make fun of other books. The initial idea was to take something exceedingly dull and cheese it up. I believe that when it's done right, this is termed something along the lines of "farce" or "satire." But fear not. I promise that you will find no such thing in the reality that is CBR.
Critical acclaim for Cheesy Bookstore Romance
"That's some well-written crap!" -- Uncle Howie
All riiiight!
*rubs hands together in anticipation*
I didn't pee my pants but I did enjoy the part about throwing Horse Whisperer across the room.
There was a point in that book where I said something like "If X happens I will never forgive this author!"
And it did.
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