The reality of potato chips does our bodies zero good, except for all the tastiness. And don’t start telling me about how it helps me run away from tigers and chase woolly mammoths and flee from my tribal enemies across the veldt and escape the aliens building the pyramids, because I’m not buying it anymore. Get with it already, cells, and adjust to my modern-day eating habits! I eat for pleasure now, not survival. Well you know. Still survival, yes, I don’t want anyone in celestial power thinking I’m taking that for granted. But how do we evolve to cook saffron cream sauces and delectable curries but not to process them better for less heart-solidifying cholesterolification? Why don’t I crave raw spinach instead of gooey sweet-sauced pizza topped with blue cheese dressing? Why could I digest milk for the first 33 years of my life but no more? Why does my neighbor “Old Crackles” smell like beans?
This brings me to something I’ve actually wondered about for years. We have these brains inside our heads, right. (Or so I’m told! Ha ha!) Our brains control everything our bodies do. Therefore our brains already know everything needed about biology and anatomical chemistry and other terms I could also maybe make up while sitting here but really you get my drift. So why do we need to study these things to learn about them? We’ve got the libraries already in our craniums. Somewhere there surely must be a switch that turns the lights on in the stacks.
I bet the aliens can process the chips just fine there inside their skinny stupid space suits, and that’s why they built the pyramids the way they did, and it was actually to be storage for chips well into the space future, and where’s my hovercraft, you pyramid-building chip-eating veldt-chasing space jerks?
Yeah. I thought so.

It's time to tighten our veldts.
Actually, I should have said "It's time to titan our veldts."
Great. Now I want potato chips too.
Well played, Monkey Man. Well played.
Elly, if you only want chips *now*, you're way ahead of me.
Those are my favorite chips ever. Also the cheddar ones. Ever rip open the bag and lick the inside when it's empty? Yeah me neither.
I wouldn't say its the chips I crave, but the salt. But you can't just pour salt down your throat without ppl starring at you funny...
I honestly stopped reading after the first mention of salt and cracked pepper chips.
GOODGOD woman those things are so delicious.
I shall daydream about them the rest of this dreary day at work.
SMU,K and Prosy: Dare I introduce you to the idea of ... ***dipping them in sour cream?*** Lest you have had this idea on your own already, which I hazard to say you probably have, clearly being gustatorialism-o-phyles of the highest order. Like wizard level 9 at least.
Brandy: Clearly you haven't spent enough time in the labs of a major research university. Me neither.
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